Bates County Health Center looking for a few good men and women

If you are a licensed healthcare provider certified to administer vaccines please keep reading.

We are hoping to get a mass COVID vaccination event here in Bates County, but in order to do so we have to be able to provide 10-15 vaccine administrators over about and 8-9-hour time frame.

If you are retired, work part time or don’t work any longer and you would be willing to volunteer please let us know. The MO National Guard will provide many of the event duties but vaccinators are the responsibility of the county in which it is being held.

A mass vaccination event would greatly increase the amount of vaccine that would come into our county and speed up the administration to those wanting it.

Without the volunteers we will not be able to move forward with this event so please share this with anyone you know that is licensed to administer vaccines and you think would be willing to help!

Please email if you could be added to the volunteer vaccinator list.