Does Isolation & Quarantine have you confused?
What are the differences in isolation & quarantine and timeframes for both?
*Isolation is a 10-day period of staying away from other people for an individual that has tested positive for COVID-19.
*Quarantine is the 14-day period of time that an individual that has been exposed to someone that is positive for COVID-19 is kept away from others to prevent the disease from spreading should they come down with symptoms after their known exposure.
*Quarantine is 14 days from LAST exposure to the positive individual—household members of a positive COVID-19 individual may have up to 24 days of quarantine (the 10 days the positive individual is on isolation PLUS 14 days which start the LAST day they were in contact with the household member).
Once I have tested positive am I exempt for quarantine & other CDC recommendations?
*Yes & No—an individual that had a positive COVID-19 PCR test does not have to quarantine for 90 days from test date if they are identified as a close contact to a current positive COVID-19 individual within that 90 days. Even individuals that have already had the virus should continue to follow CDC recommendations including washing your hands frequently, wearing a mask & social distancing. Individuals don’t stop washing their hands for 90 days after a positive test so why stop wearing a mask or social distancing???