Our meeting yesterday found that Bates County is on a downward trend as far as COVID infections are concerned. Last week, we were up a bit, and trending much higher than the state average. This week our total testing hit 10,087, with 42 active and isolating, and 22 deaths overall. We’ve had 1195 positive cases in the last year, and are currently still ahead of statewide positivity (12.7%) rates at 25% locally. We will continue to hope for the reduction in infections, and we anticipate getting more vaccine in the near future. Thankfully there is a new vaccine on the horizon from Johnson & Johnson, a one dose wonder, that does not need -90 degrees F for storage. Distribution of this vaccine hasn’t started yet, so we will likely be getting our first doses from Phizer and Moderna.
The CDC reminds us that even if you have had COVID, you should continue to wear masks and social distance. And if even if you tested positive, or believe you had COVID, the CDC still recommends you get the vaccine to protect you against variant strains and reinfection, after a 90 day waiting period. Hopefully we are seeing the dim light at the end of the tunnel and our county, state and country can soon return to a semblance of normalcy.
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