Beginning Tuesday, June 16, 2020, all restrictions in response to COVID-19 will be lifted for Bates County. This follows the recent announcement by Governor Mike Parson moving Missouri into phase two of recovery.
Thanks to the hard work of our communities and businesses, our county has seen numbers at a very manageable level. This has allowed Bates County to reopen completely.
Although restrictions will be lifted, it is important to remember that the virus is still prevalent. It is up to all of us to take personal responsibility and protect each other.
All individuals are encouraged to continue following social distancing recommendations. Take extra precautions to protect yourself and others when social distancing is not an option.
While Bates County will reopen, businesses may implement additional safety measures as desired. This can help mitigate the risk of COVID-19 to protect employees, patrons and those entering the establishment.
While restrictions will be lifted, local officials continue to have the authority to put further rules, regulations or ordinances in place if needed to ensure the safety of our communities.