Register your agency, company or organization now to participate, this Thursday morning!
Storm Spotter Class 2023
We at Bates County Emergency Management would like to thank all the agencies that attended the NWS-KC Storm Spotter presentation last night at the Adrian Optimist Building. We had 37 first responders from all over the county, representing police, fire, sheriff and Sheriff’s Posse. Jared Leighton from the NWS-KC bureau, had an informational presentation that was very educational, and he did his best to cram his 12 years of experience into 2 hours.
Special thanks to Brenda Cecil for helping with the equipment issues, Jim Henry, Chief Gary Dizney and Brenda for setup of the venue and arranging drinks and snacks, and the Adrian Optimists for their facilities.
Dennis Jacobs, Director
Brenda Cecil, Deputy Director
Jim Henry, Admin. Director
October 14, 2021 Covid Update
The weekly meeting on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 was attended, by county commissioners, Jim Wheatley, Trent Nelson, Ken Mooney, Dennis Jacobs and remotely, Greg Weaver, Jody Welston, Brenda Cecil, and Mike Behringer.
Greg reports that they have no patients at the hospital currently with COVID-19.
Jody has supplied the following statistics for this date:
24284 total negative tests, 2371 total positive tests, 39 people active and isolating, 49 confirmed deaths, (3 awaiting confirmation). Current positivity rate in Bates County is 12.8%, Missouri positivity rate is 7.8%.
34.5% of the population in Bates County has been vaccinated. The number to call at Bates County Memorial Hospital for an appointment is 660-200-7000. The vaccine is also available at Summers Pharmacy, the Bates County Health Center, and Walmart Pharmacy, in Butler.
Remember, if you are afraid of getting the new style vaccine (Phizer and Moderna), the Johnson & Johnson vaccine uses killed virus to generate antibodies, like the ‘old style’ flu vaccines.
Beginning on February 15 at 12:15 p.m., Evergy will begin to turn off electricity to blocks of customers for approximately 30 – 60 minutes. Once the period has concluded, power will be restored to the impacted area. The emergency outages will then rotate to another portion of Evergy’s service area. Power will cycle off and on periodically until the reduction is no longer required by the Southwest Power Pool.
If you are impacted by an emergency electricity reduction, you do not need to report your outage. Rather, check Evergy’s outage map and for more information.
All customers should be prepared for the potential for these periodic outages. If you experience an outage that lasts longer than an hour, report your outage at or call 888-544-4852 or 800-544-4857,for Kansas Central customers.